Curiosity & Intent
are the things that make me, Me.
Thinking Clearly.
I want to be free. But what does that mean, really? The goal is clear, but the path to fulfilment is filled with practical and existential obstacles.
Skilling Up.
Under the right conditions, you can learn anything. And I mean Anything. The question is… what are the right conditions?
Building Better.
There’s all kinds of things that need inventing, and I’m so bored of waiting for someone else to invent them that I’m just doin’ it myself.
“When the citizens of San Francisco began immediately to rebuild their city, the Indians were understandably very disappointed. The white (and yellow) San Franciscans hadn’t learned a thing. They had been given a sign - a powerful, lucid sign - that urban herding and its concomitant technologies are not the proper way to partake of this planet’s hospitality. (Actually, there are countless ways to live upon this tremorous sphere in mirth and good health, and probably only one way - the industrialized, urbanized, herding way - to live here stupidly, and man has hit upon that one wrong way.) The people of San Francisco failed to heed the sign. They capitulated, opting to stay in time and so out of eternity”
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues: A Novel // by Tom Robbins
Scroll down get a glimpse of what feeds my curiosity, and fuels my determination to contribute effectively towards a brighter, sustainable future for myself and mankind.
Stuff You Should Know
Josh Clarke and Chuck Bryant run the Stuff You Should Know podcast, and they are easily two of my favorite people on this entire planet. I stumbled upon their podcast back during my college days in 2010, and I haven’t stopped listening to it since. They research all kinds of topics, from Planned Obsolescence, to the The Philadelphia Experiment, to the age-old debate over Hand-washing or Dishwashers, to the Mystery of Damascus Steel, to What Causes Inflation, and so, so much more. There is something in their show for literally anybody. During my teens, I much preferred listening to this than wasting time on pop-culture-crap.
If you are at all interested in empirical knowledge, I highly recommend this podcast!
Zietgiest: The Movie
I always felt that there was something deeply wrong about our socio-economic society, but didn’t have the life experience to articulate it. This was the film that did, and it literally changed the trajectory of my entire life. It articulated the manipulative foundation of our economics-based system, opened my eyes to the new (and old) world order, and propelled me to continue to listen to my own thoughts, goals and ideas about living life on my own terms. It was the catalyst for my thirst to be free, and I recommend that you watch it, too.
Jacque Fresco
A self-taught industrial designer, social engineer and futurist, walking the talk, being the change that he wished to see in this world. His vision of our future is, by far, the most compelling one I have seen to date. His focus on empiricism has influenced me significantly, and his commitment to building a coherent, plausible society, based on a generalist, multi-disciplinary approach to problem-solving, is fairly unique - and has influenced my world view more than any other single human being.
I encourage you to listen to this man’s thoughts; they are truly excellent.
Watch this film; it’s time well spent.
What the Future Holds (1999)
If the Moon was a Single Pixel
An incredible, accurate scale-model of our solar system, that uses a now-common unit (the humble pixel) to educate anyone why the solar system cannot possibly be drawn to scale. Hats-off to this incredible human being for taking such a difficult concept (for most people, at any rate) and boiling it down into units of pop-culture, for anyone, of any age, on any device, to make sense out of. Blows my mind to this day, and I sense it will probably blow yours too, so go take a look!